The COVID-19 pandemic has affected individuals and countries, personal interactions, and business transactions around the globe. As one might expect, the crisis has complicated interactions with our friends in San Jose del Negrito, but the dedication and plain stubborn determination of staff and volunteers in each of our countries has assured the continued success of Shoulder to Shoulder Pittsburgh, the Health Committee of the clinic in San Jose, and the gifted staff of the clinic!
The usual pattern for the last 20 years is for two medical brigades to travel to San Jose each year, one in the Spring and one in the Fall. Prior to each trip, the clinic’s Health Committee takes inventory of their needs (especially pharmaceutical) and gives us their “wish list” of items that are needed most. Our long-time collaborators at the UPITT School of Pharmacy, Dr. Lauren Jonkman and Dr. Sharon Connor, ensure a well-planned and complete order of needed medications from Blessings International, a faith-based pharmaceutical company in Oklahoma, and the meds are shipped to Pittsburgh. Local STS Board member and logistics magician, Bill Molyneaux ensures delivery, then the brigades carry multiple boxes of the much-needed medical supplies and medications to replenish the shelves of the clinic and to provide resources that are scarce or unavailable in Honduras.
While our brigade in February went off without a hitch, but the brigade planned for September 2020 was cancelled due to Covid travel restrictions, thus eliminating the secure, in-person delivery of the supplies. Our teams went to work to solve the problem! Amazingly, Blessings International offered free shipping of the supplies via FedEx! But once the shipment arrived in Honduras, it got delayed in customs for 6-8 weeks. After extra efforts and expense by the San Jose team and others, the order was released to our clinic just in time, as they were down to almost zero inventory for several antibiotics.
We are grateful for the perseverance of all involved and for the safe arrival of these supplies so that the people of San Jose can continue to receive quality care at our clinic!